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Showing posts from February, 2017

Review: The Idea of You

The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse My rating: 4 of 5 stars Lucy and Jonah meet at a christening, fall in love, marry, and are over the moon when Lucy discovers she is pregnant, until at 11 weeks she starts to bleed and their hopes and dreams for the new addition to their family fade. I always find with Amanda Prowse's books that I can relate to the story in one way or another, and yet again I can because I sadly suffered a miscarriage, like Lucy at 11 weeks into my pregnancy and so I felt every emotion that was written. Every tear she shed, I did, when she got angry with life, I did and when she was thinking "why me?" I did too. This isn't a twee attempt at a subject that women still don't talk about, this was written from the heart and the characters were very true to life. I loved Lucy, and wanted to sit on the sofa with her, hold her hand and tell her that the pain of a lost child doesn't go away, you just learn to live wit

Review: Who Do You Love

Who Do You Love by Jennifer Weiner My rating: 2 of 5 stars Thank goodness that is over! I really hate posting bad reviews because I know that reading a book is a personal thing, and also, the author put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the long writing process, however, this book just felt like pages and pages of cliches. Rachel is a young, white, middle class Jewish girl in hospital after having heart surgery. One evening, bored on the hospital ward, she wheels herself down to A&E in a wheelchair to watch the world go by. In comes young Andy, a mixed race boy with a single mum, from the wrong side of town, with a broken arm. Himself and Rachel get chatting and he goes off to have his arm examined and they never see each other...until...! What happens next is a lot of "bumping" into each other over the years, and a love affair that lasts a lifetime. I was really disappointed with this and found that reading it was like wading throug

Review: The Food of Love

The Food of Love by Amanda Prowse My rating: 5 of 5 stars WOW! WOW! WOW! I should start this review by saying that I adore Amanda Prowse's books. I don't know what it is, but I always feel that there is a part of my life that she is writing about. The subject of this book is eating disorders (thankfully nothing I've encountered in my life) but I still felt that I could relate to the characters. Freya,a food writer and Lockie, a photographer have a wonderful, strong marriage with two teenage daughters Charlotte and Lexi. Food and healthy eating are a massive part of this family's life, so when the horrible disease of anorexia knocks on the door, and comes for an unplanned visit, the family do not know how to deal with this unwanted visitor. I found this book compelling to read, in fact, I stayed up until 1.30 in the morning to finish it, because this family became MY family, and I wanted to know how they all were at the end!! If you do nothing e